How to enable DKIM in Salesforce

  1. From Setup, enter DKIM Keys in the Quick Find box, and then select DKIM Keys.
  2. Click Create New Key.
  3. Select the RSA key size. Consider email recipient limitations and industry-specific security regulations when choosing the key size.
  4. For Selector, enter a unique name.
  5. For Alternate Selector, enter a unique name. The alternate selector allows Salesforce to auto-rotate your keys.
  6. Enter your domain name.
  7. Select the type of domain match you want to use.
  8. Click Save. Salesforce publishes your TXT records to DNS. Your CNAME and alternate CNAME records appear on the DKIM Key Details page when the DNS publication is complete. It can take time for DNS publication to finish.
  9. Publish the CNAME and alternate CNAME records to your domain’s DNS.
  10. Select Activate on the DKIM Key Details page.

For any further queries, Get it touch with GoDMARC Support Team

GoDMARC is a product of Neuailes Global Technologies Pvt Ltd